Public Star Night – Christl Findling – “An Atmosphere worth pursuing”

May 20, 2016 @ 7:30 pm – 10:30 pm

Public Star Night

Berthoud, CO 18 April 2016 – “An Atmosphere Worth Pursuing!” is the title of an engaging presentation by Ball Aerospace Manufacturing Engineer Christl Findling, who will take us on a journey through the interesting effects of atmospheric pressure on spacecraft.

A small vacuum chamber, a balloon, a marshmallow, a can of shaving cream and a bowl of water – these may not seem like the typical contents of an engineer’s toolbox, but for
Christl Findling, they are exactly what she needs to connect kids of all ages to the wonderful world of science.

She will start out by talking about the satellites that Ball has made and all the different aspects of what satellites do. Then, she will talk about how hard it is to make them because they have to be perfect!

The observatory doors will open at 7:00 pm and the presentation will start at 7:30 pm. Weather permitting after the presentation, visitors will be invited to look through our large telescope at various celestial objects. Public star nights are held the third Friday of each month, except July, when we are closed for annual maintenance. No reservations are necessary for these nights. Just come and join us for the talk and some observing afterward.